

Fishing is a vital source of food, employment, entertainment, marketing and economic prosperity for the global populations. Both for present generations and future.

In Armadora Pereira we are aware that the sustainability and the fishing resources are essential for everyone. That is why we endeavor to go beyond the demanded standards and to invest in new technologies that allow the selective fishing.

Our commitment with the environment is mostly based in the sustainable management of the natural resources and respect for the ecosystems.

La the sustainability of our fishing activities is certified with these proposals:

Fight against IUU fishing

Armadora Pereira takes part in the main associations and activities focused on the preservation of marine resources and the fight against IUU Fishing (illegal fishing non-declared nor regulated) with responsible fishing practices audited regularly by reputable international independent organizations.

ISSF Proactive Vessel Register

As performance guarantee of all these measures for the sustainability of the environment, Armadora Pereira belongs to the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISFF), international foundation for the preservation of the marine world.

The inscription of new vessels in the Proactive Vessel Register (PVR) de ISSF is a very efficient way trustworthy and objectively verifiable to identify those fishing vessels whose owners are committed to improve responsible fishing practices in tuna fishing and assuming multiannual commitments of ISSF.

Sostenibilidad Sostenibilidad